Minecraft Wont Save: Storage Full Error

I'm having trouble accessing my Minecraft Bedrock worlds due to a persistent error message. It claims I'm running low on data storage space, restricting access to certain features. Despite deleting most of my worlds, the storage bar remains unchanged and the error persists. I'm playing on a PS5 - can anyone help me resolve this issue?

Hey there, sounds like you’re hitting a bit of a roadblock with Minecraft on your PS5. Don’t worry, I’ve got some steps to help you troubleshoot and potentially fix the storage full error.

First, let’s tackle the obvious stuff:

  1. Double-check that you’ve actually deleted the worlds and they’re not just hidden. Sometimes, Minecraft can be finicky about removing data.
  2. Make sure you’re checking the correct storage device. If you have an external hard drive attached, ensure that Minecraft isn’t storing data there.

Next, let’s dive a bit deeper:

  1. Check your system storage usage. On your PS5, go to Settings > System > Storage > Console Storage. See if your storage is actually full or if there’s some wiggle room left.
  2. If you do have available space, try restarting Minecraft or even your whole console. Sometimes, a simple reboot can clear out any temporary data clogs.

Now, if none of the above works, it’s time to get a bit more aggressive:

  1. Uninstall and reinstall Minecraft. Yeah, it’s a painful step, but it might just wipe out whatever corrupted data is causing the issue.
  2. If that still doesn’t work, consider deleting the Minecraft saves folder entirely. Be warned: This will erase all your Minecraft data, so only do this if you’re okay with starting from scratch. You can find the saves folder in Settings > System > Storage > Saved Data > Minecraft.

If you’ve tried all of these and the error persists, it might be worth reaching out to Microsoft support or Mojang (the devs behind Minecraft) for further assistance. Good luck, and fingers crossed you get back to building your Minecraft empire