Microsoft Flight Simulator Sidestick Not Working

I recently purchased an Airbus Edition TCA sidestick for use with MSFS. However, when I'm in the game, the virtual sidestick doesn't move. Can anyone help me resolve this issue? My sidestick driver doesn't indicate any problems. Thanks!

Microsoft Flight Simulator Sidestick Not Working

Hey there, fellow pilot. Sorry to hear your new sidestick isn’t working with MSFS. Let’s troubleshoot this together.

First, make sure the sidestick is properly connected to your PC and recognized by the system:

  1. Restart your PC.

  2. Ensure the sidestick is plugged in securely.

  3. Check the USB connector for any damage.
    If your system recognizes the sidestick but still doesn’t function in-game, here are a few additional steps to try:

  4. MSFS Settings: Within MSFS, go to Settings > Controls > General > Device Profiles. Ensure the Airbus Edition TCA sidestick is selected as your preferred device. Save and apply any changes.

If these steps didn’t resolve the issue, it’s possible there is a software conflict:

  1. Check Flight Simulator Updates: Ensure MSFS is updated to the latest version. Sometimes, sidestick compatibility issues are resolved in new patches.
  2. Disconnection from Other Programs: Close any other programs that might be utilizing the sidestick, such as calibration software or other games.

One last thing to check:

  1. Check for Driver Updates: Sometimes, outdated sidestick drivers can cause issues in MSFS. Check the manufacturer’s website for any updated drivers.

If you’ve tried all these steps and still face issues, feel free to provide more details, like your OS and MSFS version, for further assistance. Good luck, and I hope you’re back in the cockpit soon.