Microsoft Account Compromised - Need Help!

I'm extremely dissatisfied with the service because I'm unable to recover my hacked account, which had a significant investment. I need access to this account as it holds value to me. Although some might think it's a small amount, the principle of the matter is that my account was stolen and Microsoft is unable to recover it. I have proof of payment and captures to support my claim. The issue is that I shared the account with a friend, who was also locked out after the hack. The Microsoft account was compromised, but the linked Gmail account remains intact. However, the email associated with the recovery code was changed, preventing me from logging in. I've tried every step in the recovery process, but it's not working. I need assistance in removing the linked Gmail account, which neither I nor my friend are familiar with.

Dude, I can feel your frustration. It’s super frustrating when big corps fail to help with issues like this, especially when there’s a loss involved.

First off, let me tell you that sharing accounts ain’t the best idea, especially when it comes to sensitive stuff. It’s good you’re taking responsibility and learning from this.

Now, let’s try and get your account back for you. Here’s what I’d suggest:

  1. Gather all the proof you can: Collect all the payment receipts, screenshots of conversations, and any other docs that prove the account ownership. Organize them in a clear and concise manner.

  2. Contact Microsoft Support (again): Reach out to Microsoft Support via their chat or phone. Be calm and clear about the situation. Share the evidence you’ve gathered and explain the steps you’ve taken so far. Emphasize that you need help removing the linked Gmail account.

  3. Report the compromised account: Go to this Microsoft Support page and report the compromised account. Fill out the form with all the details, including the unknown Gmail account linked to it.

  4. Escalate the issue: If the initial support doesn’t work out, ask to escalate the issue to a higher-level support team. Explain that you’ve tried all the steps and need specialized help to sort this out.

  5. Consider a fraud specialist: If the above steps don’t yield results, try contacting Microsoft’s fraud department directly. They might have more power to help you regain control of your account.

Regarding the linked Gmail account, if you can’t get Microsoft to remove it, you might need to contact Google support as well. They might be able to help you gain back access or remove the account from the recovery process.

Keep us updated on how it goes, and if you need more guidance, just ask