Lost a Receipt - Need Help Finding It!

Need help locating a missing receipt. Despite multiple calls, I haven't received a response. I urgently need a receipt for a £79.99 business transaction, but it's not showing up in any of our accounts.

Hi there Sorry to hear you can’t find that receipt. Losing a receipt can be frustrating, especially when you need it ASAP. Here are some steps you can follow:

Check with the Vendor

  • 1. Reach out to the vendor again. It seems like you’ve tried contacting them but didn’t get a response. Try using different methods, like phone, email, or even social media if they’re active. Explain the situation and ask if they can provide a duplicate receipt.
  • 2. If the vendor is responsive, they might be able to send you a copy of the receipt.

Verify Card Statements

  • 1. Check your business credit card statements for any transactions related to this expense.
  • 2. See if there are any detailed breakdowns of the transaction that could serve as proof of payment (e.g., cardholder statement, email receipts).

Missing Receipt Declaration

  • 1. If the above steps don’t work out, you might need to use a ‘Missing Receipt Declaration.’ This is a document where you attest that the receipt is lost and that the expense was legitimate.
  • 2. This form is often provided by your travel management tool or accounting system. Check their resources for the needed form and procedures for submission.

Complete the Declaration

  • 1. Fill out the form with all the necessary details about the expense and the efforts you made to obtain the receipt.
  • 2. Make sure to follow all the guidelines and any local regulations on declaring missing receipts.

Follow Company Policy

  • 1. Cross-checked the completed declaration against your company’s policies on handling missing receipts. Ensure that all the necessary details are included.
  • 2. If your company has specific procedures for audits, review those as well to ensure compliance.

Seek Audit Advice

  • 1. If you have external auditors checking your expenses, ask them if they accept these Missing Receipt Declarations as valid proof.
  • 2. Clarify their position on this matter to avoid any issues down the line.

Future Prevention

  • 1. To avoid this in the future, make a habit of immediately saving receipts digitally, either through your card’s online platform or by scanning and storing them in a file.
  • 2. Encourage your team to do the same, to make your life easier when dealing with business expenses.

Hope this helps you locate that receipt or figure out the next steps if you can’t find it. Good luck