Locked Out of Admin Account

I had a Microsoft 365 business basic subscription that was cancelled. Now, I want to restore it and pay all outstanding bills. However, when I try to access the main email account as an admin, I get a permission denied error.

Hey there, I can totally help you with that.

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way: cancelling your subscription likely locked you out of the admin account for security reasons. Don’t worry, it’s not a permanent lockout.

To restore your Microsoft 365 business basic subscription and regain access to your admin account, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Microsoft Support: Reach out to Microsoft’s dedicated support team for billing and subscription issues. They’ll help you resolve the outstanding bills and reactivate your subscription. You can find the support contact details on the Microsoft website or by searching online.

  2. Verify Your Identity: Be prepared to verify your identity as the account owner to ensure the security of your data. Have your account details and proof of ownership ready.

  3. Wait for Reactivation: Once you’ve settled the outstanding bills, Microsoft will reactivate your subscription. This might take some time, so be patient.

  4. Reset Your Admin Password: After the subscription is reactivated, try resetting the admin account password. This will ensure any temporary locks are removed. You can do this through the Microsoft 365 admin center.

  5. Sign In Again: Once you’ve reset the password, try signing in to the admin account again. You should now have access without the permission denied error.

Remember, if you encounter any issues during this process, don’t hesitate to reach back out to Microsoft Support. They’ll guide you through any specific steps required for your situation.

Good luck, and I hope this helps you regain access to your admin account