Locked Out: Forgot Windows Login Password

I'm locked out of my PC because my password has expired, but I need to enter the old one to change it. The problem is, I've forgotten the old password and there's no way to reset it since I didn't set up security questions or a "forgot password" option.

Don’t worry, I’ve been there too Okay, so you’re stuck because you forgot your old password and didn’t set up any password recovery options. Here’s what you can do:

Option 1: Try to recall your old password
Take some time to think back and try to remember your old password. Think about the last time you logged in, any significant events or dates around that time, or any common passwords you might have used. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth a try.

Option 2: Use a password cracker (not recommended)
There are password cracking tools available online, but I would strongly advise against using them. They can potentially harm your system or steal your data. I’m only mentioning this option because some people might suggest it, but trust me, it’s not worth the risk.

Option 3: Reinstall Windows (last resort)
If you’re really stuck, you can try reinstalling Windows. This will erase all your files, settings, and installed programs, so make sure you have backups of your important files. You’ll need to recreate your user account and set up everything from scratch.

A better solution: Create a bootable USB drive with a password reset tool
This is a safer and more reliable option. You’ll need:

  1. Another working computer with internet access.
  2. A USB drive with at least 1GB of free space.
  3. A password reset tool like Ophcrack or John the Ripper. Download the ISO file for the tool you choose.

Now, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the USB drive into the working computer.
  2. Download and install a tool like Rufus (free) to create a bootable USB drive.
  3. Open Rufus and select the USB drive as the device.
  4. Select the ISO file you downloaded earlier and click Start.
  5. Once the process is complete, remove the USB drive and insert it into your locked computer.
  6. Restart your locked computer and enter the BIOS settings (usually by pressing F2, F12, or Del).
  7. Set the USB drive as the first boot device and save the changes.
  8. Your computer should now boot from the USB drive. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your Windows password.

Remember to set up security questions or a password reset option this time around, so you don’t get stuck again in the future