Locating the File Tab for Email Backups

I'm having trouble locating the 'File' tab in Outlook. I need to access 'File - Open & Export - Import/Export' to copy my emails to a data file for backup on an external hard drive. Despite using the 'classic ribbon', I still can't find the tab.

Every tutorial I've found starts with 'press the File tab', which is frustrating since I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm stuck!

(PS How do I determine if I'm using the New Outlook or Classic Outlook? I've referred to it as 'Classic Outlook', but I'm not certain.)

So you’re having trouble finding the File tab in Outlook, which you need for backing up your emails to an external hard drive. This issue seems to be more common than you’d expect, especially if you’re using the newer versions of Outlook.

First things first: you really need to clarify whether you’re using the new Outlook or the classic Outlook version. Here’s how you can determine which one you have:

  1. Check your Outlook version: Press the Windows key + S to open Windows Search.
  2. Type ‘Outlook’: This should show you all the Outlook-related items.
  3. Right-click on ‘Outlook’: If you have an option to ‘Open File Location’ or ‘Uninstall’, you’re on the new Outlook.
    If you see ‘Unpin from taskbar’, you might be on the classic Outlook.

Now, let’s tackle the File tab issue. If you’re on the classic Outlook:

  1. Check your ribbon: The File tab should be the first option on the ribbon.
  2. Verify show ribbon: Click the arrow pointing up in the top-right part of the window.
    If it says ‘Show Quick Access Toolbar’, then click it to hide the toolbar and see if the File tab shows up.
    If it says ‘Hide Quick Access Toolbar’, the File tab should be visible.
  3. Check your Quick Access Toolbar settings: Click the arrow pointing down next to the Quick Access Toolbar
    and select ‘Customize the Quick Access Toolbar’.

If you’re on the new Outlook and still can’t find the File tab:

  1. Migrate to the classic Outlook: This might be the best bet for you.
    You can easily switch to the classic Outlook by following these steps:
    • Open Outlook: Press the Windows key + S and search for Outlook.
    • Switch to classic mode: In the top right corner, click on the ‘…’ button, then select ‘Switch to classic ribbon’.
  2. Use the Menu Bar: In some new Outlook versions, the File tab is replaced by the Menu Bar.
    • Press Alt + F to open the Menu Bar.
    • Navigate to Open & Export: This will let you access your email files for a backup.

Remember, if you can’t locate the File tab in the classic Outlook, it might be hidden. Make sure to check and adjust your ribbon settings and Quick Access Toolbar.

Hope this helps you find that File tab and start backing up those emails without any more hassle.