Laptop Shut Down Unexpectedly - Is OneDrive Error to Blame?

I'm trying to understand why my laptop shut down unexpectedly while I was reading something. After restarting, I checked the Event Viewer and found an error message saying OneDrive wasn't running. I'm wondering if OneDrive not running could cause my laptop to shut down unexpectedly. I've seen this error message before when my laptop shut down without warning.

I should mention that I was downloading a driver for my laptop at the time. Could downloading something also cause my laptop to shut down unexpectedly?

Here is the screenshot

Windows 11 Home

64-bit operating system

If I'm downloading something over Wi-Fi, can this cause my laptop to shut down unexpectedly?


Hey there, sorry to hear that your laptop keeps shutting down unexpectedly. This is super frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of something. Let’s try to figure out what’s going on.

From what you’ve mentioned, there are a few potential causes here. One possibility is that OneDrive might be causing the issue. Sometimes, it can get stuck in a loop or not close properly, which can lead to shutdowns. Another possibility is that the driver you were downloading could have caused a problem, especially if it wasn’t compatible with your laptop.

To troubleshoot this, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check your Event Viewer: Go to the Event Viewer and look for any errors or warnings around the time your laptop shut down. This might give us a better idea of what’s causing the problem.

  2. Disable OneDrive: If you think OneDrive might be the culprit, try disabling it and see if the shutdowns continue. If they stop, then that’s probably the problem.

  3. Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter: Go to Settings, then Update & Security, and run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter. This can help fix any issues with apps not closing properly.

  4. Update your drivers: Make sure all your drivers are up to date, especially the one you were downloading. Sometimes, outdated drivers can cause problems.

  5. Check your Wi-Fi connection: If you’re downloading over Wi-Fi, try switching to a wired connection and see if the problem persists. If it doesn’t, it might be a Wi-Fi issue.

  6. Run a virus scan: Just to be sure, run a full virus scan to rule out any malware or viruses that might be causing problems.

  7. Uninstall and reinstall OneDrive: If none of the above steps work, try uninstalling and reinstalling OneDrive. This will remove any corrupted files or settings that might be causing the issue.

If none of these steps help, you might want to consider resetting your Windows installation or seeking more technical support.

Hope this helps Let me know if you have any other questions.