Issue with ACSR and Proofs Manage Pages

Hi, I've encountered an issue with the /acsr and /proofs/manage pages that affects certain Microsoft accounts, including mine.

I'm unsure if this is the right place to report this, but I'll share my experience anyway.

The problem is that the /acsr page doesn't send a verification email to any contact email you enter, as long as the email address you're trying to recover is a specific one.

Similarly, the /proofs/manage page doesn't show the option to replace security info and instead redirects to the "account locked" page.

These pages used to work for that specific email, and I could change the password instantly. Now, it instantly rejects the request as if the information is incorrect. This means anyone can make Microsoft send spam emails to any address they want, since it doesn't verify if you own the contact email.

If needed, I can provide the specific email address, and I'd prefer to do so privately. I've found that others have experienced the same issue with their accounts.

Hey there You’re having trouble with the account recovery and security info management pages for your Microsoft account. That can be frustrating, especially if it’s been working fine before.

First, let’s address the issue with the /acsr page not sending verification emails. This might be due to the way you’re entering your information. Here are some potential fixes:

  1. Double-check your contact email: Ensure the email address you’re entering as the contact email is correct and valid. If you’ve mistyped it or use an invalid address, you won’t receive the verification email.
  2. Clear browser cache and try again: Sometimes, browser cache can cause issues. Try clearing your cache, closing the browser, and attempting to recover your account again.
  3. Try from a different device or location: If you’re accessing the /acsr page from a new device or location, it might be flagged as a suspicious activity. Try accessing it from a device and location you’ve used before.

For the /proofs/manage page issue, it’s possible that there’s a security lock on your account causing the redirection to the “account locked” page. Here are some steps to help you out:

  1. Sign in from a trusted device: Try signing in to your account from a trusted device (e.g., the device you usually use to access your account) to see if that resolves the issue.
  2. Check your account activity: Review your account activity to ensure there aren’t any suspicious logins or changes that might have triggered the security lock.
  3. Contact Microsoft Support: If the issue persists, reach out to Microsoft Support directly. They can assist you in resolving the security lock and help you replace your security info.

Lastly, I recommend being cautious when sharing your specific email address publicly, even if you’re willing to provide it privately. For privacy and security reasons, it’s best to keep that information confidential.

I hope these steps help you resolve the issue. If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask