Highlighting Cells with Multiple Values Using VB: Matching Values in the Same Column


I'm using Excel to manage a small team of workers for single-phased tasks.

I assign workers to tasks daily using a dropdown list of initials. Each day is a column, allowing me to assign workers to tasks by day, not task, and track dates worked using rows. Typically, a worker gets one task per day.

I'm looking for a smart way to use VB to highlight cells with duplicate values. Better still, I'd like to prevent a worker from being selected for multiple tasks on the same day once they're assigned.

I've attached an example spreadsheet showing the issue. On Monday, November 25th, worker EF is assigned to two tasks - I want to prevent this. Either highlight the cells, display an error message, or ideally, stop the worker from being selected for another task that day.

Thanks in advance for any help :D