Help Locked out of email tied to Instagram handle for my band

I'm to blame for forgetting my password, but I want to explore all options before giving up.

I created an Outlook email and an Instagram account less than a week ago, posting some graphics and Pinterest pictures.

Instagram suddenly took down my account without a valid reason, but surprisingly, it's back online now. However, I didn't save my login info, so I had to use the "forgot password" feature.

Now, the only way to recover my account is through my Outlook email, which is why I'm reaching out for help. I'm willing to share personal information to prove my authenticity.

It's crucial for me to recover my Instagram handle, @woaetoad, as it's hard to get a unique handle like that. The account features my original music, also posted on my other Instagram account (@deadfaced previously @deadfacedog).

I'll likely abandon the Outlook email if I don't get help, as it'll just receive occasional updates from Instagram and ads.

Hey there, sorry to hear you got locked out of your Outlook account tied to your Instagram handle. Losing access to unique handles can be frustrating, especially when it’s linked to your creative work.

First, let’s start with the Outlook email recovery. Since you’re willing to share personal information to prove your authenticity, you can try the following steps:

  1. Head to the Outlook password recovery page and enter the email address associated with your Instagram account.
  2. Click on “Next” and then select “Forgot my password.”
  3. You’ll be asked to enter a recovery email address or phone number. Unfortunately, if you didn’t set up a recovery option, you might be out of luck here.
  4. If you’re unable to use the recovery option, you can try clicking on “I didn’t have a recovery email or phone number” to see if Outlook offers any alternative methods.

Since you mentioned you didn’t save your login info, you might need to verify your identity with Microsoft. If they request personal information, make sure it matches the info you used when you created the Outlook account. This might include your name, date of birth, or other details.

If the above steps don’t work, you can also try reaching out to Microsoft’s support team directly. They might be able to assist you in recovering your Outlook account. Keep in mind that they’ll likely ask for verification details to ensure you’re the account owner.

Regarding your Instagram handle, @woaetoad, I’m glad to hear it’s back online now. To avoid losing it again, make sure to save your login info securely this time. You can use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to store your login credentials.

If you do end up recovering your Outlook email, I recommend updating your Instagram account to use a different email address, just in case you lose access to the Outlook account again.

Good luck with the recovery process, and I hope you manage to get back into your Outlook email and keep your unique Instagram handle.