Help 800+ Favourite Bars Got Jumbled - Easy Way to Reorganize?

I unintentionally grouped my files together. Can someone please guide me on how to ungroup and reorganize them?

Hey there, If you’ve got a mess on your hands with over 800 favourite bars jumbled together, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

First, let’s break down the situation:

  • What happened: You accidentally grouped your favourites together.
  • What you want: To ungroup and reorganize them easily.

Step-by-Step Solution:

Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to help you ungroup and reorganize your Microsoft Edge favourites:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge: Start by opening Microsoft Edge on your computer.
  2. Go to Favourites: Click on the three horizontal dots or lines (⋯) in the top-right corner and select Favourites.
  3. View All Favourites: Click on View All Favourites to see the list of all your favourites.
  4. Sort and Filter: Click on the Sort and Filter button at the top right of the favourites list. This will help you sort them by name, URL, or other criteria, making it easier to identify the jumbled groups.
  5. Right-Click on a Folder: Right-click on the folder that contains the jumbled favourites. In the context menu, select Edit.
  6. Rename or Delete: Rename the folder to something meaningful or delete it if you no longer need it.
  7. Drag and Drop: Start dragging and dropping your favourites into their correct folders or create new folders as needed. You can also create subfolders by right-clicking inside a folder and selecting New Folder.
  8. Verify and Adjust: Once you’ve organized your favourites, go through each folder to ensure they’re correctly sorted. Adjust as needed until everything is in its place.

Additional Tips:

  • Use Descriptive Folder Names: Use clear and descriptive names for your folders, making it easier to identify what’s inside.
  • Organize by Category: Group your favourites by category, such as work, personal, or entertainment, to keep things tidy.
  • Regularly Clean Up: Set aside some time regularly to clean up your favourites and remove any unnecessary or broken links.

By following these steps, you should be able to quickly ungroup and reorganize your Microsoft Edge favourites. Happy organizing