Hacked Account: Unable to Send or Receive Emails

My email account was compromised recently. I enabled two-factor authentication, signed out of all sessions on the Microsoft website, and changed my password. However, when I logged back into my email, I didn't receive any new emails from the day I signed out. Additionally, emails I sent to other addresses, including my own, didn't go through. This is a major issue because I need to update passwords for other accounts accessed by the hacker, but I'm not receiving password reset emails. I urgently need assistance with this problem.

Sorry to hear that you got hacked. First, kudos for enabling two-factor authentication and changing your password – that’s a great start. Now, let’s tackle this email issue.

Here’s what’s likely happening: When you signed out of all sessions, you effectively disconnected any devices or apps that were still connected to your account. This includes the hacker’s access, which is great, but it might’ve also disconnected some legitimate apps or services that you use.

Receiving Emails:

  1. Check your email filters: Head to your Outlook settings and review your filter rules. It’s possible that the hacker set up filters to forward or delete emails, which would explain why you’re not receiving new emails. Delete or modify any suspicious filters.
  2. Verify your email forwarding settings: Ensure that your email isn’t being forwarded to another email address. If it is, and you didn’t set it up, remove the forwarding address.
  3. Check your email storage: If your inbox is full, new emails might not be coming in. Clean up your inbox by deleting or archiving old emails to free up space.

Sending Emails:

  1. Check your email client or app: If you use a third-party email client or app, try sending an email from the web version of Outlook to isolate the issue. If you can send emails from the web, the problem lies with your client or app.
  2. Verify your email authentication settings: Make sure your email client or app is configured to use the correct authentication settings. You can find these settings in your Outlook account settings.
  3. Check your email provider’s settings: Some email providers have specific settings or restrictions for sending emails. Check your provider’s support pages for any guidelines or restrictions.

Password Reset Emails:

  1. Try a different email recovery method: If you’re not receiving password reset emails, try using a different email address or phone number associated with your account (if you have them set up).
  2. Contact the support teams of the affected accounts: Reach out to the support teams of the other accounts accessed by the hacker and explain your situation. They might be able to assist you in resetting passwords or provide alternative methods.

Additional Security Measures:

  1. Keep an eye on your account activity: Regularly check your Outlook account activity to ensure no new suspicious logins or access occur.
  2. Monitor your credit report: Consider monitoring your credit report to detect any potential identity theft or fraud.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issues with receiving and sending emails. Stay vigilant, and good luck with getting your other accounts back under control