Gmail Not Syncing Correctly with Outlook

I'm currently using Microsoft 365.

I've set up my Gmail account in Outlook using IMAP.

Everything works fine - I receive and send emails without issues in Outlook.

The problem is, when I delete an email in Outlook, it still shows up in the Gmail app.

Sounds like there might be a bit of a miscommunication going on between Outlook and Gmail.

Here’s the deal: when you set up your Gmail account using IMAP in Outlook, it doesn’t directly communicate with the Gmail app on your phone. That’s why when you delete an email in Outlook, it’s not automatically removed from your Gmail app.

To fix this, you need to configure Gmail to sync the “Delete” action from Outlook. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your Gmail account on a web browser.
  2. Go to the Gmail settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select “See all settings” and then navigate to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
  4. Under IMAP Access, look for the “When an email is marked as deleted from my inbox” section.
  5. Select “Auto-expunge on”. This will make Gmail delete the email permanently whenever you mark it as deleted in Outlook.

Now, whenever you delete an email in Outlook, Gmail should sync and remove it from your Gmail app as well. Give it a try and see if that solves the issue!

If you’re still having problems, you might want to check if there are any labels or filters set up in your Gmail account that could be causing the deleted emails to reappear.