Get More Microsoft Rewards with Additional Activities

I've noticed a discrepancy in the number of activities available on Microsoft Rewards between my two accounts. One account shows 12 remaining activities, while the other only has 6. Does anyone know why this is the case?

Hey there!

That’s an interesting discrepancy you’ve noticed. There are a few possible reasons why you’re seeing a difference in available activities between your two accounts:

  1. Different locations: Microsoft Rewards occasionally offers location-specific activities. If your accounts are associated with different locations, you might see different activities. Make sure both accounts are set to the same location to rule this out.

  2. Device differences: The activities you see can vary depending on the devices you use. If you’re accessing Microsoft Rewards from different devices (e.g., computer, phone, or tablet), this might be the cause. Try accessing both accounts from the same device to see if the activities match up.

  3. Browser variations: Sometimes, browser extensions or configurations can affect what activities are shown. If you’re using different browsers or have different extensions enabled, this could be the reason. Try accessing both accounts from the same browser with the same extensions to isolate the issue.

  4. Account type: If one of your accounts is a business or work account, it might have different activity options compared to a personal account. Check the account types to see if this is the case.

  5. Bugs or glitches: It’s possible that there’s a bug or glitch affecting one of your accounts. Try logging out and logging back in to both accounts to see if that resolves the issue.

If none of these explanations resolve the discrepancy, you might want to reach out to Microsoft Support directly for further assistance. They can help you investigate and resolve the issue.

Hope this helps you figure out what’s going on