Frustrated with Bing Search Results - Why So Many Travel Sites?

It's surprising that Bing can't provide a clear guide on how to back up authentic Windows and Office installations.

Instead, the search results are filled with ads and misleading information.

I totally feel you. It can be super frustrating to deal with those spammy search results.

Here’s the thing: Bing’s algorithm tends to prioritize websites that are optimized for SEO, which is why you’re seeing a lot of travel sites and ads. To get more relevant results, you can try a few things:

Adjust Your Search Phrase

  1. Be more specific: Instead of searching for something general like “back up authentic Windows”, try adding more specifics like “official Microsoft guide to backing up Windows 11” or “legitimate Office installation backup method”.
  2. Use the site operator: You can use the site: operator to search within a specific website. For example, backup windows installation will show you results only from Microsoft’s official website.

Customize Your Bing Experience

  1. Change your region settings: Sometimes, Bing’s results can be affected by your location. Try changing your region settings in Bing to see if you get more relevant results.
  2. Disable travel-related interests: Bing allows you to customize your interests. Go to your Bing settings, and under “Interests”, try disabling travel-related topics to see if that reduces the number of travel sites in your results.

Consider Alternative Search Engines

If you’re still not getting the results you want, you might want to try switching to a different search engine like Google or DuckDuckGo. They have different algorithms that might give you more relevant results.

Hope these tips help you out