Fixing DPC Watchdog Violation Error on Windows: Causes and Solutions

My computer has been freezing randomly, usually once a day, and I occasionally get an error message. I’ve uploaded a mini dump file to help diagnose the issue.

Here’s how we can tackle this DPC Watchdog Violation BSOD:

First, the error usually points to a problematic driver. The most common culprits are GPU drivers, so let’s start there.

  1. UpdateYour GPU Drivers:

    • Check your GPU manufacturer’s support site for the latest driver updates. For example, if you have an NVIDIA card, you can use their GeForce Control Panel to check for updates.
  2. Run SFC Scan:

    • This tool helps replace corrupted system files.
    • Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and run sfc /scan.
  3. Run DISM:

    • DISM, like SFC, helps fix corrupted system files.
    • Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth.

Next, let’s check for hardware issues:

  1. Disconnect External Devices:

    • Remove all external devices except the keyboard and mouse. Sometimes, incompatible devices can cause the issue. If the BSOD disappears after removal, you know which device is causing the problem.
  2. Check SATA AHCI Controller:

    • Ensure your SATA drivers are up to date. You can update these from your motherboard manufacturer’s support site.
  3. Run Event Viewer:

    • This can help identify the specific driver or hardware causing the error.
    • Press the Windows key + X, select Event Viewer, and look for error logs around the time of the BSOD.
  4. Update Your SSD Drivers:

    • If your PC has an SSD, make sure its drivers are the latest version.
  5. Revert to Earlier Restore Point:

    • If you made recent changes or installations, try reverting to a previous restore point before the BSOD started.
  6. Reset Windows:

    • If all else fails, you can try a clean Windows install or restore from an earlier date.

By working through these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the issue.