Filtering SharePoint List: Show Only Videos by Category

I'm building a modern SharePoint page to showcase a video collection using list web parts. I've created a list called 'SharePoint Videos Playlist' with various videos, each assigned a 'Category' column with two options: Category A and Category B.

I want to integrate this curated list onto the SharePoint page, configuring the list web part to filter and display only videos under 'Category A'. This will provide a streamlined and relevant video selection based on the chosen category.

However, I'm struggling to find a way to filter the list to display only the chosen category. Any help would be appreciated!

So, you’re building a SharePoint page with a list of videos and you want to filter the list to show only the videos that belong to a specific category. This sounds like a job for dynamic filtering!

Here’s how you can do it:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Create your List Web Part:

    • On your SharePoint page, add a List web part for your “SharePoint Videos Playlist” list.
    • Configure the list to show the videos in a way that works for you.
  2. Set Up Dynamic Filtering:

    • Edit the List web part and toggle the “Dynamic Filtering” option to “On”.
    • In the “Column in ‘SharePoint Videos Playlist’ to filter” section, choose the “Category” column.
    • Select the list that contains the filter values—you should select your original list, “SharePoint Videos Playlist”.
    • In “Column containing the filter value”, select the “Category” column again.
  3. Apply the Filter:

    • In the “Filter value” section, select “Category A” to filter the list by that value.
    • Click “Apply” to see the changes.
  4. Test and Refine:

    • Save your changes and republish the page.
    • Test your filtering setup by selecting the videos under “Category A” to ensure they are displayed correctly.
    • If needed, tweak the settings to fit your needs.

Additional Tips

  • For easier troubleshooting and maintenance, consider naming your lists and columns clearly and descriptively.
  • If you need more complex filtering rules, you might want to explore using search queries or Power Apps to enhance the filtering capabilities.

Give it a shot, and if you run into any issues, feel free to ask for further clarification or detailed guidance. Happy filtering