False Positive: Bitdefender Identifies olk.exe as a Virus

Warning: Suspicious Activity Detected on Microsoft Website

A webpage from Microsoft has been flagged for suspicious behavior. It’s not recommended to continue accessing this site. The warning was triggered by the olk.exe process.

Looks like you’re having some issues with Bitdefender identifying olk.exe as a virus, leading to that Suspicious Activity Detected warning on the Microsoft website.

Here’s the deal, olk.exe is a legitimate process from Microsoft used by Outlook to handle cached exchange mode. But yeah, sometimes Bitdefender can get a bit overzealous. Here are some steps you can follow to resolve this:

  1. Whitelist olk.exe in Bitdefender:

    • Open Bitdefender.
    • Go to Protection > Antivirus > Settings.
    • Under Scan Options, you’ll see Exclusions.
    • Add the olk.exe process to the exclusions list.
    • Save the changes.
  2. Disable the ‘Scan Web Pages’ feature:

    • Open Bitdefender.
    • Go to Protection > Antivirus > Settings.
    • Look for the ‘Scan Web Pages’ option.
    • Disable it.
  3. Check for Bitdefender updates:

    • Sometimes, these false positives can be resolved by running the latest version of Bitdefender. So, check if there are any updates available and install them.
  4. Try a System File Checker (SFC) scan:

    • Press the Windows key + X and select Command Prompt (Admin).
    • Type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
    • This will help you identify and repair corrupted system files, which might be causing the issue.
  5. Disable ‘OLA (Office Live Activation)’ if you don’t need it:

    • If you’re not using Office, or if you don’t need live activation, you can disable it.
    • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing" /v DisableOLA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f and press Enter.

If none of these steps help, you might want to consider reinstalling Bitdefender or reaching out to their support for further assistance.