Experiencing Issues with the Latest Outlook Update?

In the new Outlook, I'm unable to find the send/receive button. Although I can view emails on my phone's app, they're not showing up on my PC. I've been waiting for a confirmation email, but it hasn't arrived. Additionally, I don't have a right-click menu option for spell checking. Can someone assist me with this issue?

Hey there, sounds like the latest Outlook update has got you all mixed up. Don’t worry, I’ve got some solid advice to help you out.

First off, let’s tackle the missing send/receive button. In the new Outlook, they’ve moved it to the upper-right corner under the “Home” tab. You should see a circular arrow icon – that’s your new send/receive button. Give it a click and see if that fetches the emails you’re waiting for.

Regarding the missing emails on your PC, check if your Outlook is set to sync correctly. Here’s how:

  1. Open Outlook and click on “File” in the top-left corner.
  2. Click on “Account Settings” and then “Account Settings” again.
  3. Select your email account from the list and hit “Change”.
  4. Ensure the “Server Settings” are correctly configured. You can double-check these details with your email provider if needed.
  5. Click “Next” and then “Finish”.

If you’re still not receiving emails, try restarting Outlook or checking the Outlook app on your phone to see if you can spot the confirmation email.

Now about that right-click spell checking option: it seems like the new Outlook has done away with it. Instead, you can use the “Review” tab at the top of the screen. Under “Proofing”, you’ll find the “Spelling & Grammar” button. That should do the trick.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, feel free to provide more details, and I’ll do my best to help you troubleshoot further.