Excels Find in Range Feature Gets Stuck in an Endless Loop

When using the "Find All" function in Excel to search for certain text, such as "bs" or "fr", it works correctly and finds all matching cells. However, when searching for "gr", Excel enters an infinite loop, counting thousands of cells until it must be aborted, causing the app to stop responding and requiring closure through the Task Manager. This issue persists even when moving the table to a new file or recreating the cells from scratch. It also occurs on different computers. Can someone explain why this happens and provide a solution or workaround?

The problematic Excel file can be accessed here.

The infamous infinite loop issue in Excel’s Find All feature. It’s frustrating, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. This problem occurs due to merged cells, which Excel handles differently during a search operation. Let me break it down for you:

Cause of the Loop:

When Excel searches by rows and encounters a merged cell containing the search term, it will continue to loop indefinitely, cycling through the same cells until you force-stop it. This issue is specific to searching by rows and does not occur when searching by columns.


  1. Avoid Merged Cells: The simplest solution is to avoid using merged cells in your Excel file. If possible, restructure your data to eliminate merged cells. This will prevent the loop from occurring.
  2. Search by Columns: If you’re stuck with merged cells, change your search method to “Search by Columns” instead of “Search by Rows”. Excel won’t get stuck in a loop when searching by columns.

Temporary Workarounds:

  1. Marquee Select the Range: Select the range you want to search within, and then use the Find All function. This confines the search to that range and reduces the chance of the loop occurring.
  2. Split the Search: Divide your data into separate ranges and perform the Find All on each range individually. This can be time-consuming but can help you avoid the loop.

Example to Illustrate the Issue:

  • Merged Cell: Merge cells B1 to B3 and put the search term “clue” in cell B1.
  • Non-Merged Cell: Put “clue” in cell A2.
  • Search and Loop: Search for “clue” using the “Find All” feature. Excel will continue looping indefinitely.

Avoid Updating Formulas:

When you use Find and Replace on formulas, it can also cause Excel to enter an infinite loop. Be cautious when using this feature to avoid updating formulas unnecessarily. If you find yourself stuck, use the Task Manager to stop the process.

Task Manager (Last Resort):

If all else fails, use the Task Manager to stop the Excel application force-launched Excel. This method should be avoided when possible, as it may cause data loss if your file is not saved.

Your Specific Issue:

To solve your issue with the file provided, create a new Excel file without merged cells, or perform the search by columns to avoid the loop.