Excel Wont Let Me Save My File

I recently purchased a new Android tablet and was excited to use Excel on the larger screen. However, I’ve encountered an issue when trying to save my work.

When I open a file, whether it’s new or existing, and attempt to save my changes, I navigate to the File Tab. But, surprisingly, the only option available is “Open”. There’s no “Save as”, “Save a copy”, or even a “Close” option. The tab only displays a list of locations where I can open files from. I’ve attached a screenshot for reference. Any help would be appreciated

Hey there

I can see you’re having trouble saving your spreadsheets on your new Android tablet. Since you can only see the “Open” tab and don’t have options to save your work, I’ve got a few steps that might help resolve this issue for you:

  1. Check Your Office Apps: Ensure all your Office apps, especially Excel, are up-to-date and installed from the official stores (such as Google Play). You might need to uninstall and reinstall the apps to make sure you’re running the latest versions.
  2. Check Dropbox Synching: Ensure that you’re properly logged in to your Dropbox account on the Android app, and that you have the necessary permissions to save files. It’s important that your Dropbox account is set up correctly and synching properly with the Office apps.
  3. Check Device Permissions: Make sure you’ve given the necessary permissions to both Dropbox and Excel apps to access and save files on your device. Go to Android settings > Apps > [Excel or Dropbox app] > Permissions to double-check.
  4. Check SD Card (or External Storage): If you’re trying to save the file to an external storage like an SD card, tap the ‘SD Card’ option from the Save or Save As menu to ensure you’re saving it to the right location.
  5. Check Microsoft Account: Ensure you’re properly signed in to your Microsoft account, as the Office apps might require it for full functionality.
  6. Clean Cache and Data: If the above steps don’t work, clean the cache and data for both Dropbox and Excel apps. This can sometimes resolve issues related to app functioning.

These steps should help you get the necessary save options back in your Excel app. If the issue persists, you might need to contact the respective app support teams for more detailed assistance.

Hope this helps Let me know if you need further help.