Error: Cached Credentials Have Expired - Tried Everything, Still Stuck!

The cached OneDrive credentials on my PC have expired. Despite trying various solutions, including uninstalling and reinstalling OneDrive, clearing all saved credentials, and re-signing in, I still can't log in. I'm certain my login details are correct since I can access my account on other devices without issues. The problem seems to be specific to this one computer.

Hey, sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your cached OneDrive credentials.

First, let’s try a few more steps to see if we can resolve the issue:

  1. Check your system date and time: Ensure your system date and time are correct. Sometimes, an incorrect date can cause issues with expiration. Make sure your system is set to the correct date and time.

  2. Clear all OneDrive cache files:

  • Press Win + R, type %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive, and press Enter.
  • Delete all the files and folders inside.
  1. Disable and re-enable the OneDrive service:
  • Press Win + R, type services.msc, and press Enter.
  • Find the Microsoft OneDrive service, right-click on it, and select Stop.
  • Wait for 10 seconds and then right-click on it again to Start.
  1. Try deleting the OneDrive file cache:
  • Press Win + R, type %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\cache, and press Enter.
  • Delete all the files inside the cache folder.

After these steps, try signing in again. If you’re still having issues, let’s dig deeper!

Do you have any antivirus software or firewalls that might be blocking OneDrive?