Edge wont let me log in to certain websites, but Chrome works fine

I'm having trouble logging in to two websites using the latest Edge browser and Dashlane password manager.

One site shows a "Failed reCAPTCHA check" error, while the other says "Forgotten your sign in details?". I've tried autofill sign-in and manual sign-in, but neither works.

I've tried troubleshooting by reinstalling the password manager, repairing Edge, uninstalling the latest Windows update, and following earlier forum suggestions to delete an Edge file and reset the firewall.

Unfortunately, none of these steps have resolved the issue.

Can anyone suggest what I might have missed or what to try next?

Hey there,

It sounds like you’ve already done some thorough troubleshooting, but let’s dive a bit deeper to figure out what’s going on.

First, let’s tackle the reCAPTCHA issue. Sometimes, certain browser extensions can interfere with reCAPTCHA, so my first suggestion would be to try disabling all extensions in Edge and then attempt to log in to the website. If that works, it might help identify which extension is causing the issue.

If that doesn’t help, here are a few more steps you can try:

  1. Try Incognito Mode: Open a new Incognito window in Edge and see if you can log in to the websites from there. If you can, it might be related to your browsing history or cookies.
  2. Clear cache and cookies: Sometimes, corrupted cache and cookies can cause issues. Clear them by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Delete in Edge and following the prompts. Make sure to clear everything and then close and reopen Edge.
  3. Disable Third-Party Cookies: It’s possible that some websites are having trouble with third-party cookies. Go to edge://settings/cookies and toggle off Allow sites to save and read cookie data. Try logging in again.

For the other website showing “Forgotten your sign in details?”, I’d suggest checking the Autofill settings in Edge. Ensure that Dashlane is set as the default password manager and that the correct login credentials are saved.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about the websites you’re having trouble with, like their URLs. That might give us a better understanding of what’s going on.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you need more guidance