Disable Teams Notification Previews for Microsoft Bookings


As an IT Support worker, I'm helping users transition to Windows 11 using Microsoft's Online Bookings and Appointment Scheduling tool. When meeting with clients, I connect my laptop to a screen using an HDMI cable. Sometimes, this screen displays Microsoft Teams messages from users who may not be tech-savvy, which could lead to embarrassment in front of their colleagues.

Is there a way to automatically hide message previews during MS booking meetings to protect client privacy, without manually turning notifications on and off?

To clarify, these meetings are generated in Outlook and Teams through the booking system. The MS Booking system is the primary event, with Outlook and Teams events created as a result.

Here is an in-depth answer to your question:

Hey there,

I totally understand the need to ensure client privacy when using Microsoft Teams, especially during meetings. There’s a simple solution to automatically hide message previews during MS Bookings without manually turning notifications on and off.

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Method 1: Turn Off Notifications During Calls and Meetings

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.

  2. Click on the three horizontal lines or your profile picture in the top-right corner.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Scroll down to Notifications and activity.

  5. Un.warno

  6. Uncheck the Show notifications during calls and meetings box.

  7. **Method 2: Manage General Notification Settings

  8. Open Microsoft Teams.

  9. Click on the three horizontal lines or your profile picture in the top-right corner.

  10. Select Settings.

  11. Scroll down to Notifications and activity.

  12. In the Notifications section, make sure Show message and content previews in notifications is unchecked. This will remove previews from all notifications.

Both methods ensure that your clients won’t see any notifications or message previews during the meeting. For Method 2, you might want to consider reviewing your notification settings to ensure you are receiving only the necessary reminders and alerts. This will maintain your professionalism and protect client data during the meetings.

If you have any further questions or need additional support, feel free to ask