Did Microsoft Carry Over Settings from My Previous Windows Install?

I recently installed a new copy of Windows 11, which is my 5th license key on a new system. During the installation, I noticed that Microsoft asks if I want to include "backup" files from previous or other PCs. I always choose to "setup as new PC", but I've found folders from other computers that I didn't put there.

This time, I didn't see any out-of-place files. However, when I tried to set up RTSS for a game, it wouldn't run because it said it was already active, even though I'm 100% sure I never had RTSS or Afterburner on this system.

Online forums suggest I need to uninstall Afterburner correctly, but it's never been installed on this system. It's possible that Microsoft did something without my knowledge or consent during the Windows installation.

I've had similar issues with OneDrive, which I don't want, but it keeps turning itself back on. It's frustrating and feels like Microsoft is forcing things on me without my permission.

I've had other issues with Windows 11, like updates rendering drives useless and Bitlocker encrypting drives without my consent. When I tried to move the drive, I needed a key to unlock it, but Microsoft didn't save the key. I had to reformat the drive.

It feels like Windows 11 has some great features, but the way it's implemented and forces things on users without explanation is a nightmare. The programmers might understand what's going on, but they need to consider the perspective of the average user.

Hey there, fellow Windows user!

I totally get your frustration. It sounds like you’re experiencing some weird issues with Windows 11 carrying over settings from your previous installations. I’ll try to help you out.

Firstly, when you choose to “setup as new PC” during the installation process, Windows 11 is supposed to start from scratch. However, it’s possible that some settings or files might get carried over from your Microsoft account, especially if you’re using the same account across multiple devices.

Regarding the RTSS issue, it’s weird that it’s saying it’s already active even though you’ve never installed it on this system. Here’s what you can try:

  1. Open the Task Manager (Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and go to the “Startup” tab.
  2. Look for any RTSS or Afterburner-related processes and disable them.
  3. Open the Registry Editor (Press Win + R, type regedit, and press Enter).
  4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE, and look for any RTSS or Afterburner-related keys. Delete them if you find any.
  5. Restart your system and try setting up RTSS again.

As for OneDrive, it’s possible that it’s getting turned back on due to a setting or a bug. Here’s how you can try to disable it:

  1. Open the OneDrive settings (you can search for it in the Start menu).
  2. Click on the “Account” tab and sign out of your Microsoft account.
  3. Go to the “Settings” app, then click on “Accounts,” and finally click on “Access work or school.”
  4. Look for any OneDrive-related settings and toggle them off.
  5. Restart your system and see if OneDrive stays off.

Regarding the updates rendering drives useless and Bitlocker encrypting drives without your consent, that’s definitely not cool. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Go to the “Settings” app, then click on “Update & Security,” and finally click on “Windows Update.”
  2. Click on “View update history” and see if there are any updates that might be causing issues.
  3. Try uninstalling any recent updates that might be related to the issue.
  4. As for Bitlocker, you can try disabling it by going to the “Settings” app, then clicking on “Update & Security,” and finally clicking on “Device encryption.”
  5. Toggle off the “Device encryption” switch and see if that resolves the issue.

Lastly, I totally agree with you that Windows 11 has some great features, but the implementation can be frustrating at times. It’s essential for Microsoft to consider the average user’s perspective and provide clearer explanations for their features.

I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any further questions or issues