Deleting a Guest User from My Microsoft 365 Teams Account

I'm stuck in a loop trying to resolve an issue that's been driving me crazy.

After logging into a Teams meeting using my PC, it seems that my personal account is now linked to my old work account. When I try to log into the Teams client, I'm prompted to log in with my personal credentials, followed by an MFA screen for my old employer's account.

On, I see a "MyOldEmployer (Guest)" link when I click on my profile picture, but there's no option to remove it. It's frustrating that I supposedly need someone from my old organization to remove the link, as I should have control over my personal account.

I've tried using a new PC, and the issue persists, so it must be related to my M365 Family account rather than a local cache issue.

How can I break the connection to an organization I'm no longer associated with and don't have access to?

Hey there, I can understand how frustrating this must be for you. Don’t worry, I’ve got a solution that might help you out.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Sign out of Office and Teams entirely: Make sure you sign out from all Office apps, including Teams, and all the devices you’ve used to access your account.

  2. Visit the Microsoft Account Website: Go to and sign in with your personal account credentials.

  3. Access Permissions: On the “Your Info” page, click on Permissions.

  4. Remove Permissions: Look for any permissions related to your old employer’s organization and remove them. This should disconnect the link to their organization.

  5. Sign back into Teams: Once you’ve removed the permissions, try signing back into the Teams client. You should no longer be prompted for your old employer’s MFA.

If you still encounter issues, you might need to take a few more steps:

  1. Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and try signing into again to see if the “Guest” link is removed.

  2. MS Support: If the issue persists, head over to the Microsoft Support website and create a ticket. They should be able to help you remove the link from your personal account.

Keep in mind that these steps are specific to your personal M365 account. If you still have access to your old work account, you can also try signing in there and removing any connections to your personal account.