Delete Unwanted Yellow Pages Reviews from Your Bing Profile

I'm having an issue with my business's Bing Places listing, which is currently displaying reviews from The problem is that we only have two reviews on that site. Meanwhile, our competitors' listings are showing reviews from Facebook. I'm looking for help on how to switch the review source used by Bing, so that it displays either our Facebook reviews or our Google My Business reviews instead.

I understand your frustration. Bing’s review aggregation can be tricky. Here’s the deal: you can’t directly switch the review source used by Bing, but you can try to nudge them in the right direction. Here’s what you can do:

1. Make sure your Bing Places listing is accurate and complete
Ensure your business name, address, and contact information are correct and consistent across all platforms. This will help Bing associate the correct reviews with your listing.

2. Claim and optimize your Facebook and Google My Business listings
Ensure both listings are verified and complete. Add high-quality photos, detailed business descriptions, and accurate hours of operation. This will increase the chances of Bing crawling and displaying these reviews.

3. Report the reviews as incorrect
Sign in to your Bing Places account and report the reviews as incorrect. You can do this by clicking on the review and selecting the “Report” option. Provide a clear explanation of why these reviews are incorrect.

4. Contact Bing Support
Reach out to Bing Support via their Help & Feedback section and politely explain the issue. They might be able to manually update the review sources for your listing.

Here’s what you should include in your support request:

  • A clear description of the issue
  • Your Bing Places listing URL
  • Your Facebook and Google My Business listing URLs
  • A polite request to update the review sources

Keep in mind that Bing Support might not always respond or grant your request. However, it’s worth a shot.

5. Monitor and wait
After taking these steps, monitor your Bing Places listing regularly to see if the review sources change. It might take some time for Bing to crawl and update the reviews.

Remember, Bing’s algorithm for selecting review sources can be unpredictable. However, by following these steps, you’ll increase the chances of displaying your preferred reviews from Facebook or Google My Business. Good luck