Contacts List Wont Stop Scrolling

When using the 'New Teams' feature, I've noticed an issue. After selecting the 'Calls' Icon and then 'All contacts',

the contact list starts flashing and becomes unresponsive when I try to scroll through it. Is there a way to resolve this problem locally?

Helping You Tame Your Contact List

So, you’re seeing this weird scrolling issue on the contact list after selecting the Calls icon and then All contacts in the New Teams feature. That can be super frustrating Let’s try to tackle it.

System Details
Before we dive into troubleshooting, can you please tell me what version of Microsoft Teams you’re currently running? Also, are you using the desktop application or the web version?

Quick Troubleshooting Steps
In the meantime, here are a few quick steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Restart Teams: Sometimes, a simple restart can do wonders. Just close the application and reopen it.
  2. Clear Teams Cache: This might help if you’re using the desktop app. To do this:
    • Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type %appdata%\Microsoft\teams\cache and press Enter.
    • Delete everything in that folder.
  3. Disable Hardware Acceleration:
    • Open Teams.
    • Click the three dots at the top right corner.
    • Select Settings.
    • Under General, toggle off Switch to new Teams and Disable hardware acceleration.

If none of these steps help, we might need to dig deeper into the issue. Are you using any specific plugins or integrations that could be causing this?