Contacting Microsofts Fraud Department: A Step-by-Step Guide

My identity has been stolen and the thief is using an Outlook email to create accounts and make inquiries. I need to contact Microsoft to get their help with the investigation. There's an official investigation underway with the US Postmaster due to mail theft, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Since the same email was used for multiple account attempts, it could provide valuable clues to catch the suspects (we also have surveillance footage of them in the complex).

Sorry to hear that, dude. I’m here to help. Contacting Microsoft’s fraud department can be a bit of a hassle, but I’ll walk you through it. Here’s what you need to do:

First, you’ll want to gather some information before reaching out to Microsoft. Make a note of the following:

  1. The Outlook email address being used by the thief.
  2. Any details about the accounts they’re attempting to create or the inquiries they’re making.
  3. Your case number with the US Postmaster and any relevant contact info from the investigation.
  4. Description of the surveillance footage, including the date, time, and location it was taken.

Now, let’s get to contacting Microsoft:

  1. Go to Microsoft’s Support Website and click on “Security” at the top.
  2. Scroll down to “Report a scam or phishing email” and click on that.
  3. Fill out the form with the details you gathered. Make sure to include the Outlook email address and the specific activities you’re aware of.
  4. If you have any attachments like screenshots or documents related to the case, you can upload them here.
  5. Submit the form.

Next, you’ll want to contact Microsoft’s Fraud Department directly. Here’s how:

  1. Call Microsoft’s Fraud Department at 1-800-MICROSOFT (1-800-642-7676, toll-free in the US). Be prepared to wait a bit, but they’ll get to you eventually.
  2. Explain the situation to the representative, providing all the details you gathered earlier. They might ask for additional info, so be ready to share.
  3. Request that they lock or suspend the Outlook email account to prevent further activity.
  4. Ask if they can provide any assistance in tracing the email account or identifying the culprit.

If the representative is unable to help, ask to escalate the issue to a supervisor. Be firm but polite, and they should guide you through the process.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to also report this to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your local authorities. This will help them build a case against the thief and potentially prevent future identity theft.

Keep me updated on how it goes, and good luck with the investigation