Confirm Reward Button Fails to Work, Site Refreshes Instead. Also, Goal Removal Gives Error 404 Message

I attempted to clear browser cache, including cookies, but it didn't resolve the issue. Now, I'm unable to delete my goal and instead receive an "Error 404" message.

Hey there, fellow Bing user!

The issues you’re experiencing with the reward button and goal removal might be a bit frustrating. Let’s tackle this step by step to get you back on track.

Reward Button Issues:

  1. Try a different browser or Incognito Mode: Sometimes, it’s just a browser-specific glitch. Open a different browser or use the Incognito Mode (private browsing) in your current browser to see if the reward button works there. This will help us narrow down if it’s a browser cache issue or a site-specific one.
  2. Check if your browser extensions are interfering: Some extensions might be blocking the reward button’s functionality. Try disabling all extensions temporarily, and then check if the button works.
  3. Update your browser: Make sure your browser is up-to-date, as outdated versions can cause issues with certain site features.
  4. Clear site data: In addition to clearing browser cache, try clearing the site data specifically for Bing. This might resolve any corrupted data.

Goal Removal Issues (Error 404):

  1. Double-check goal settings: Ensure that you’re properly selecting and attempting to delete the goal. Sometimes, a simple mistake can lead to the error.
  2. Wait and retry: It’s possible that the Bing servers might be experiencing a temporary issue. Wait for about 30 minutes and then retry deleting the goal.
  3. Bing Support: If none of the above steps help, you can reach out to Bing Support directly, explaining the issue in detail. They should be able to assist you with goal removal.

If these steps don’t resolve the issues, feel free to provide more details about your browser, its version, and any other relevant information. This will help narrow down the problem. Happy troubleshooting