Clipchamp Text-to-Speech Feature Not Functioning

I'm having trouble with the browser version of Clipchamp. The text-to-speech feature, which has worked fine for months, is now giving me an error. Regardless of the language and voice I select, I get the message "the voice that you have chosen doesn't support this language. Please try a different voice". I've tried logging out and in, as well as restarting multiple times, but the issue persists. Interestingly, a colleague with the same setup is able to use the feature without issues. Can someone assist me in resolving this problem?

Hey there,

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the Text-to-Speech feature in Clipchamp. It’s weird that it worked fine for months and suddenly stopped. Since your colleague with the same setup isn’t facing the issue, it’s likely a specific problem with your account or browser config. Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot:

Step 1: Browser Refresh

  • Try a hard refresh of the Clipchamp page by pressing Ctrl + F5 (Windows) or Command + Shift + R (Mac) to clear your browser’s cache.

Step 2: Browser Extension Check

  • Disable any recently installed browser extensions, especially those related to language or audio. Sometimes, they can interfere with Clipchamp’s functionality.
  • If you have multiple browsers installed, try accessing Clipchamp from a different browser to isolate if the issue is browser-specific.

Step 3: Language and Voice Selection

  • Ensure that the language and voice you’re selecting are compatible. Check Clipchamp’s documentation or customer support for a list of supported languages and voices.
  • If you’ve recently changed your language or voice settings, try reverting to a previous combination that worked.

Step 4: Audio Permissions

  • Ensure that Clipchamp has the necessary audio permissions in your browser. You can do this by going to your browser settings, finding Clipchamp, and checking that it has access to your microphone and audio output.

Step 5: Clear Session Storage

  • If none of the above steps work, clear your browser’s session storage. This will log you out of Clipchamp, so make sure you have your login credentials handy.
  • To do this, press F12 to open your browser’s dev tools, go to the Application tab, and under Session Storage, find Clipchamp and select Clear.

Step 6: Contact Clipchamp Support

  • If none of these steps resolve the issue, reach out to Clipchamp’s official support team. They’ll be able to help you investigate further and might have specific troubleshooting steps for your situation.

Hopefully, one of these steps will get the Text-to-Speech feature working for you again. Good luck