Cant Send Reminders on One of Two Identical MS Forms - Why?

Having trouble with MS Forms. I've created two identical forms for different teams, but I can only set reminders for one of them. Not sure why this is happening, as I followed the same steps for both forms. It's really frustrating!

Same steps, different results - it’s like a puzzle, and I’m here to help you solve it!

First, let’s break it down:

  • Double-check permissions for both forms: Ensure you have the same permissions in both forms, specifically for sending reminders. Are you the owner of both forms? Are the permissions and roles identical for both teams?

  • Review the settings for both forms: Go to each form’s settings and compare the reminders section. Are the reminders set up in the same way, including the trigger, frequency, and recipients? Are the notification channels (e.g., email, Teams) the same?

  • Check if there are any errors or issues: Inspect the form that doesn’t send reminders for any errors or issues. Look for alerts or notifications in the form settings or the Microsoft 365 admin dashboard.

Now, here’s a step-by-step to get you started:

  1. Compare permissions:

    1. Go to the form that does send reminders.
    2. Click the three dots (…).
    3. Select ‘Settings’.
    4. Scroll down to ‘Permissions’.
    5. Take note of the permission levels for each role.
    6. Repeat these steps for the form that doesn’t send reminders.
    7. Compare permissions and roles between the two forms.
  2. Verify reminder settings:

    1. Go to the form that does send reminders.
    2. Click the three dots (…).
    3. Select ‘Settings’.
    4. Scroll down to ‘Reminders’.
    5. Take note of the trigger, frequency, and recipients.
    6. Repeat these steps for the form that doesn’t send reminders.
    7. Compare the settings and adjust the non-working form to match the working form.

If you’ve checked all these and still can’t send reminders, try resetting the form that doesn’t send reminders. Maybe it’s just a glitch. If the issue persists, you might want to reach out to Microsoft support for further assistance.

Let me know if this helps, and we can dig deeper if needed.