Cant Send Chat Message: Why Isnt It Being Received?

I've verified the contact's phone number, including the "1" and area code, and added their name to the chat in Teams. Although the message appears to have sent successfully (with a check mark), the recipient claims they haven't received it. I've tried using both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Teams, but the issue persists. The 64-bit version even says the person isn't receiving SMS messages, which they've confirmed they can receive. This is a problem because I need to schedule an interview with this person. Can someone please assist me?

Hey there,

I can totally understand why this is frustrating, especially when you need to schedule something important like an interview. Let’s break down a few potential issues and their solutions:

Double-Check Your Contact Information

First, ensure you’ve entered the phone number correctly. I know you’ve verified it, but double-check for any typos. Make sure the format is correct - it should be 1 (area code) phone number.

teams App Issues

Since you mention both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions are having the same issue, it might not be specific to the app itself. However, try uninstalling and reinstalling Teams from the Microsoft Store. Sometimes, a fresh install can resolve unexpected issues.

SMS Message Receipt Issue

The fact that the 64-bit version says the person isn’t receiving SMS messages is suspicious. This could be related to their SMS preferences within Teams. Here’s what to do:

  1. Ask the recipient to check their Teams settings.
  2. Ensure they’re not set to “Do Not Disturb” mode.
  3. If they’re using SMS, confirm their messaging preferences allow texts from unknown numbers (if applicable).

Other Potential Causes

Here are some other potential causes for the issue:

  1. Recipient’s Phone Settings: The recipient might have phone settings blocking messages from unknown numbers or from the Teams service number. They should check their phone settings to ensure they’re not blocking Teams messages.
  2. Network Issues: Temporal network connectivity problems might be preventing the message from being delivered. Ask the recipient to check their internet and phone network connectivity.
  3. Teams Server Issues: Sometimes, Teams’ servers might be experiencing issues. You can check the Microsoft Teams Service Health page to see if there are any known issues on their side.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you might want to consider using an alternative communication method, like email or another messaging app, to ensure your interview gets scheduled.

Hope this helps you figure out the problem and get in touch with your interviewee. Good luck