Cant Restore SharePoint List from Older Version in Power Apps - No Valid Content Type Error

After modifying a SharePoint list in Power Apps, I'm unable to restore it to an older version. The error message says "The list does not have any valid content type."

How can I access previous versions of the forms?

When I try to restore older versions, the version control is locked, claiming that someone else is using the list, even though I'm the only one working on it.

Is there a way to resolve this issue?

Detailed Analysis and Solution

After carefully reading your problem, I understand that you are unable to restore an older version of a SharePoint list in Power Apps. You’re getting an error message stating “The list does not have any valid content type.” Additionally, the version control is locked, claiming that someone else is using the list, even though you are the only one working on it.

Reason Behind the Issue

The primary cause of this issue lies in the conflicting operations on the SharePoint list, specifically in managing its content types and controlling versions. Here are the specific steps to resolve this issue:

Step 1: Check Content Types

  1. Ensure that the SharePoint list has a valid content type by going to the “Settings” gear icon in your SharePoint list.
  2. Go to the “Content Types” section.
  3. Verify if the list has a default content type or any other valid content type. If none exist, you need to create or set a valid content type.

Restore Previous Version in Power Apps

Step 2: Restore Previous Version

  1. Go to your Power Apps customized form for the SharePoint list.
  2. Click on the three dots next to the “Save” button and select “Version History”.
  3. Choose the previous version you want to restore from the list of available versions.
  4. Click “Restore” to restore the selected version.

Unlock Version Control

Step 3: Unlock Version Control

  1. Go back to SharePoint List settings.
  2. Click on “List Settings” or “Settings” gear in the top right corner.
  3. Click “List versioning settings” under “General Settings”.
  4. Ensure that “Require check-out” is set to “No”.

Ensure Exclusive Edit

Step 4: Check Out and Edit

  1. Ensure you are not in a collaborative edit mode.
  2. Check out the SharePoint list exclusively by clicking on “File” → “Check out”.
  3. Once checked out, you can edit and make changes as needed.
  4. After modifications, save and check in the list to release it for others.

Following these steps should help you resolve the issues you are facing and successfully restore previous versions of your SharePoint list in Power Apps.