Cant Redeem Microsoft Rewards Points - Help Needed!

When attempting to complete a task in the "earn" section, the link fails to function, redirecting me to the browser's homepage instead.

Hey there, Having Trouble with Microsoft Rewards? Here’s a Step-by-Step Solution for You:

Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues redeeming Microsoft Rewards points. This redirect to the browser’s homepage could be due to a few reasons. Let’s troubleshoot this together!

Here’s what you can try:

First, clear your browser cache. Sometimes, clearing the cache resolves issues like this. Make a fresh start by deleting your browser’s cache and then try reattempting the task.

1. Open your browser
2. Press the Control + Shift + Delete keys (for Windows) or Command + Shift + Delete keys (for Mac)
3. Select "Delete Browsing Data"
4. Choose all the options (History, Cookies, etc.)
5. Click "Clear data"

If that doesn’t work, check if your browser is up-to-date. Ensure you’re using the latest version of your browser, whether it’s Edge, Chrome, or another one.

If you’re still stuck, disable any ad blockers you might be using. Sometimes, these extensions can interfere with site functionality.

Lastly, if none of these steps help, try an alternate browser or contact Microsoft Support. There might be a specific issue on their end that they can help resolve.

Feel free to add more details if these steps don’t work, and we can figure this out together!

Hope this helps, and good luck with redeeming those points