Cant Receive BIOS Reset Code on My Phone

After updating my BIOS, I'm getting a "Pin needs to be reset" message when I log in. I've followed the prompts, but I haven't received a code despite multiple attempts. I've tried all the troubleshooting tips, but nothing's working. When I try to add an alternate phone number, I get an error saying "this phone number is already associated with the account", which confirms my current phone number is correct. I'm locked out of my main account on my computer and can't log in or make changes without receiving a code, which isn't being sent. I can access my admin account and online account via web browser, but not my main account on my computer. I've tried resetting passwords via CMD, but nothing's giving me the access I need to reset the PIN or switch to a password login. I'd really appreciate some help to resolve this issue.

Hey, sorry to hear you’re stuck with that annoying BIOS reset code issue.

First, let’s tackle the main issue: not receiving the reset code on your phone. Here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

  1. Double-check your phone number:

    • Ensure the phone number associated with your account is accurate and active. You’ve already confirmed this by trying to add an alternate number, which resulted in the error message saying the number is already associated with your account.
  2. Check for any blockage or restrictions on your phone:

    • Look for any settings, apps, or carrier restrictions that might be blocking the code. Some phones or carriers might have extra security features that prevent specific types of messages from reaching you.
  3. Disable any two-factor authentication (2FA) apps temporarily:

    • If you have any 2FA apps like Authy or Google Authenticator connected to your account, try disabling them temporarily. This might help identify if there’s an interference issue.
  4. Request a code via an alternative method:

    • Try requesting a code via email or an authenticator app if available for your account. This can help narrow down whether the issue is specific to text messages or a broader problem.
  5. Reach out to your carrier:

    • Contact your phone carrier’s customer support to see if there are any issues on their end that could be preventing you from receiving the code.

Now, about the PIN reset and accessing your main account:

  1. Use your admin account to reset the PIN:

    • Since you can access your admin account, use it to reset the PIN for your main account. You might need to enable the built-in Administrator account if you haven’t done so already. Once you reset the PIN, you should be able to log in to your main account.
  2. Switch to password login:

    • If you prefer using a password instead of a PIN, you can do so by going to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options. Under the “Windows Hello” section, click on “Password” and follow the prompts to set up a password.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with receiving the reset code and regain access to your main account.