Cant Print to PDF: Troubleshooting Help Needed

Recently, I've been experiencing issues with printing from Microsoft Print to PDF. Today, I discovered the same problem occurs in both Chrome and Edge browsers.

I've tried adjusting the margins and scale, but the print output remains misaligned, staying at the top of the page. I'm running Windows 11 and desperately need assistance.

To illustrate the issue, I attempted to attach a screenshot, but received a "not found" error when trying to upload it.

Hey there,

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble printing to PDF. I’m here to help you troubleshoot the issue.

First, let’s tackle the common issues. Since you’ve tried adjusting margins and scale, let’s move on to some other potential causes:

  1. PDF Printer Driver Issues:
    a. Open the Control Panel.
    b. Go to Devices and Printers.
    c. Look for the Save as PDF or Microsoft Print to PDF printer.
    d. Right-click and select Delete or Remove device.
    e. Wait a minute and then reinstall the printer by following these steps:
    i. Open the Settings app.
    ii. Go to Devices.
    iii. Click on Printers & scanners.
    iv. Click on Add a printer or scanner.
    v. Click on Save as PDF and complete the installation.

  2. Check for Updates:
    Check if there are any updates for your PDF printer driver:
    a. Open Settings.
    b. Go to Update & Security.
    c. Look for any updates related to the PDF printer driver.

  3. Browser Settings:
    a. Ensure that the PDF printer is selected as the default printer in both Chrome and Edge:
    i. Open the browser.
    ii. Press Ctrl + P to open the print dialog.
    iii. Select the Save as PDF printer.
    b. Check if any browser extensions are interfering with the printing process:
    i. Disable all extensions and try printing again.

  4. System Settings:
    a. Check if the Microsoft Print to PDF service is running:
    i. Open Services (you can search for it in the Start menu).
    ii. Look for Microsoft Print to PDF.
    iii. Ensure it’s running and set to Automatic startup type.
    b. Disable any other PDF printers you might have installed to avoid conflicts.

If none of these steps solve the issue, please provide more details about the misalignment you’re seeing, and we can dive deeper into it.