Cant log in to certain apps (Minecraft) despite correct Outlook credentials

I recently purchased Minecraft using a brand new Microsoft account, which I created right before buying the game. However, when I tried to sign in to my account in the Minecraft launcher, I got an error message saying “Your account or password is incorrect.” I thought maybe I just needed to verify my account, but when I tried to access my account’s privacy settings, I got the same error message.

Here are some key points:

  1. I’ve checked my bank statement and my Microsoft account’s order history, and I can confirm that the purchase was successful.
  2. I’m certain I bought Minecraft using this new account.
  3. I know my password is correct because I can sign in to my Outlook account and I’ve saved the password in my Chrome password manager.
  4. I haven’t received a purchase confirmation email from Microsoft or Minecraft.
  5. I can’t access my account’s privacy settings because it keeps rejecting my password.
  6. I can sign in to the Minecraft launcher using other accounts that don’t own Minecraft.

Is there a delay between creating a new Microsoft account and being able to access Microsoft applications other than Outlook? This seems like the only logical explanation at this point.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Hey there, so you’re having a pretty frustrating issue with your new Microsoft account and Minecraft.

Based on what you’ve told me, it sounds like you’ve done the right things so far. Here’s what I think might be going on:

When you create a new Microsoft account, sometimes there can be a delay before all the services are fully active. This is especially true for things like account privacy settings or specific app access like Minecraft. However, it’s unusual that you can sign in to your Outlook account without any issues.

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Wait for 24 hours: Give it a day to see if the account just needs some time to sync up. This might be the simplest solution.

  2. Check for account restrictions: Sign in to your Microsoft account on the website and see if there are any restrictions or security flags on your account. Sometimes these can prevent certain apps from working.

  3. Reinstall Minecraft: Try reinstalling the Minecraft launcher to see if there’s an issue specific to the app.

If none of those steps work, you might want to reach out to Microsoft support and explain the situation. They’ll be able to look into your account and see what’s going on. You might also want to try resetting your password just to rule that out as an issue.

As a side note, not getting a purchase confirmation email is a bit unusual, but if your bank statement and order history show the purchase went through, it might just be a minor glitch on their side.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you need more advice