Cant Get Email Verification Codes from Canva - Help Needed

Can't receive email verification codes from Canva when logging in with a Microsoft account. This problem started today, and we've never had issues getting these codes before.

It's not just me - someone else is having the same problem.

I've checked my spam and junk folders, made sure my email storage isn't full, and confirmed there are no filters or rules blocking Canva emails. But the issue remains.

Hey there,

I totally get how frustrating it can be when something that used to work suddenly stops.

Since you’ve already checked the basics - spam filters, email storage, and filters/rules - here are a few more things to try to fix the issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, these can cause weird issues like this. Try clearing them out and then log back into Canva.

  2. Check your Microsoft account settings: Ensure that your Microsoft account is set up correctly for receiving emails from Canva. You might want to check the account permissions and settings to make sure Canva can send you emails.

  3. Contact Canva support directly: Reach out to Canva’s customer support and let them know the specific issue you’re having. They might be able to help you figure out what’s going on or identify any issues on their end.

  4. Try logging in with a different Microsoft account (if you have one): This will help you narrow down if the issue is related to your Microsoft account or something specific with Canva.

  5. Run a virus scan on your computer: It’s always a good idea to make sure your system is clean and free from any malware that might be interfering with your email functionality.

Lastly, if none of these steps work, you might want to try registering a new Canva account with a different email service to rule out any issues with your Microsoft account setup.

Good luck, and I hope you get it sorted out