Cant Add Friends in Sims FreePlay - Help Needed (Player ID: 16378184)

I'm having trouble adding friends in Sims Freeplay on my mobile device. Could someone assist me? My player ID is 16378184.

Hey there!

So, you’re having trouble adding friends on Sims FreePlay, huh? Don’t worry, I’m here to help.

First off, ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. Sometimes updates can resolve connection issues. Check the app store for any pending updates and install them if necessary.

Next, double-check your player ID. Make sure it’s correct, as even a small mistake can prevent friend requests from going through.

Here are some steps to try and resolve the issue:

  1. Close and reopen the game. Sometimes a simple restart can fix the problem.

  2. Check your in-game settings to ensure you’ve allowed friend requests. You can do this by going to the Social tab > Settings > and make sure “Allow Friends Requests” is toggled on.

  3. Ensure your Wi-Fi or internet connection is stable, as a poor connection can prevent you from sending or receiving friend requests.

  4. Clear the game’s cache and data. This can help resolve any temporary issues. On Android, go to Settings > Apps > Sims FreePlay > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear storage. On iOS, you can offload the app, then reinstall it to clear the cache.

  5. Re-add your friend by going to the Social tab, typing their player ID (or searching for their name if you have it), and sending a friend request again.

If none of these steps work, try reaching out to the game’s support team directly. They might be able to investigate further and resolve the issue on their end.

Hope this helps, and happy Simming :blush: