Can I Use Microsoft Copilot-Generated Images for Commercial Purposes?

Can I use AI-generated images from Microsoft Copilot for commercial use and sell them on different websites, even with the free version? Or do I need to upgrade to a paid version?

Hey there, I’m happy to help you figure out whether you can use Microsoft Copilot-generated images for commercial purposes.

First off, Microsoft Copilot is a great tool for generating high-quality AI images, but its usage terms and conditions are crucial to understand before monetizing them.

Microsoft Copilot’s terms of service states that its free version is for personal, non-commercial use. If you want to use the images for commercial purposes, you need to upgrade to a paid tier.

Here are the general steps to take:

  1. Understand the licensing terms: Read through Microsoft Copilot’s terms of service to fully comprehend what is allowed and what is prohibited.
  2. Upgrade to a paid tier: If you plan to commercially use or sell images generated by Copilot, you need to upgrade to a paid version that explicitly allows commercial use.
  3. Check image usage rights: Ensure that the images you generate on the paid tier do not infringe on any intellectual property rights or copyrights.
  4. Verify licensing per image: Double-check the licensing terms for each specific image, as the terms may vary depending on the image.
  5. Consult legal counsel: If you are unsure about any part of the process or the legal implications, consider consulting a legal professional to ensure you’re covered.

To summarize: while the free version of Microsoft Copilot is excellent for personal use, if you plan to commercially use or sell AI-generated images, you need to upgrade to a paid tier that explicitly allows such usage.