Can I Search Within Open Tabs on Android?

Can I really not search across open tabs?

If tabs are designed to be power-efficient, I'd expect to use over 100 tabs in groups without issues.

So, why is searching between them not possible?


Microsoft Edge:

Edge 125.0.2535.96

Mobile phone:

Android 14 Build #: UP1A.231005.007.S918BXXS5CXDF

Yeah, the lack of a tab search feature on Android browsers can be super frustrating.

For Microsoft Edge, I don’t think there is an in-built tab search feature. However, there are a few workarounds you might find helpful:

  1. Report the Issue: If you haven’t already, report this issue to Microsoft Edge so they can consider adding the feature. You can use the browser’s in-built feedback feature or post on their support forums.

  2. Install a Third-Party Extension: Unfortunately, most tab search extensions are available on desktops and not for mobile browsers. However, you can explore if any third-party apps or browsers offer this functionality.

A few other browsers like Brave and Chrome are working on similar features, and it might be worth considering.

  1. Use Another Browser: If you’re feeling adventurous, you could try using a different browser like Brave, which already has a requested feature to search open tabs. It’s not implemented yet, but it looks like the developers are working on it.

  2. Add Bookmark and Close Tabs: As a temporary hack, you can bookmark all your open tabs and then close all of them. This will let you search your bookmarks.

These options aren’t ideal, but they might help until the feature is implemented in Microsoft Edge.