Blocked websites not working as expected in Microsoft Edge

I'm having trouble with Microsoft Edge version 126.0.2592.68, where it seems to ignore the sites I've blocked. Despite repeatedly blocking certain sites, they continue to appear. I've checked my block list to confirm they're blocked, but it doesn't make a difference. I'm also frustrated that I can't block all the advertising and video-based sites.

This issue was a problem in earlier Edge versions, but I thought it was fixed. Now, it seems like blocked sites are no longer staying blocked. I'm left wondering if these sites are paying to be exempt or if there's a bug in Edge or its supporting servers. I'd appreciate it if someone from Microsoft could clarify what's going on.

It's disappointing that, despite advancements in technology, browsers still have so many issues. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Brave all have their problems. Chrome, in particular, often fails to render properly. I've found that this is a timing-related issue with CSS style files and browser processes. I'm tired of rebooting my machine to fix this and prefer using older versions of Edge, where blocked sites stayed blocked.

To Microsoft, I want to say that I just want a reliable operating system on my machine. It feels like your platform has become more focused on advertising than user needs. If you want people to adopt your software, provide what they want and don't force untested technology on them. Having a good reputation for addressing customer needs might be more beneficial than prioritizing shareholder profits.