Bing Search Not Indexing My Website

I'm having trouble with my website,, not showing up in Bing search results for the past three months.

Before this, the site was visible in Bing search, but after it got hacked and we fixed the issue, it disappeared from the search results.

According to Webmaster Tools, everything looks good and the site should be indexed and searchable, but it's still not showing up in Bing.

We've gone through the Webmaster tools steps multiple times, fixed most of the reported issues, but the site remains invisible in Bing search. Interestingly, it's still visible in Google search.

Could someone please look into this issue?

Hey there,

It’s great that you’ve got your site visible on Google, but we need to get it back up on Bing. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and possibly fix the issue:

  1. Clear and Consistent URLs: Make sure the URLs you’re using for your site are not being blocked by Bing. Sometimes, URLs can be explicitly blocked due to the hacking incident. Look for any explicit blocks or penalties on your site in Bing Webmaster Tools.

  2. Fetch and Render: Run the “Fetch and render” tool in Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure Bing is correctly seeing your site’s content. This tool helps diagnose any rendering issues that might be preventing your site from being indexed.

  3. Bing Sitemap: Double-check that your sitemap is correctly submitted and processed in Bing Webmaster Tools. If your sitemap is corrupted, block Bing from crawling specific pages using the robots.txt file or Bing’s URL removal tool.

  4. StopWords and Low-Quality Content: Bing might be flagging your site due to low-quality content or the presence of stop words. Review your site for thin or duplicate content and optimize it by improving the quality, quantity, and uniqueness of your content.

  5. Canonical URLs and Duplicates: Ensure you have the correct canonical URLs set up for your site. Bing might be seeing multiple versions of your site, leading to confusion. Use 301 redirects to consolidate URLs.

  6. Robots.txt and Meta Tags: Review your robots.txt file and meta tags to ensure they’re not blocking Bing from indexing your site. Add specific permissions for Bingbot if necessary.

  7. Backup and Restore: If you made significant changes during the hacking fix, it’s possible some crucial content or metadata got removed. Try restoring a backup to see if that resolves the issue.

  8. Patient Waiting: Sometimes, these things take time. Give Bing’s algorithms a bit more time to crawl and index your site. It may just be a delay in their system.

Try these steps and see if your site starts showing up in Bing search results. Good luck, and let me know if you need further assistance.