Bing Issues: Whats Going Wrong?

I'm having trouble accessing Bing, as it often redirects me to Google search instead.

I don't want to use Google, nor do I have it installed.

This issue has persisted for days, and despite submitting feedback to Microsoft, I haven't received a helpful response - just automated acknowledgments.

Like others, I've tried troubleshooting steps such as checking the firewall, clearing cache and browsing data, and restarting my system, but to no avail.

I've also thoroughly cleaned my computer of malware and viruses, including using Microsoft Defender, but the problem remains. It's clear that a recent Microsoft update has introduced a bug that's affecting many users.

As community helpers with closer ties to Microsoft, I urge you to reach out to the company immediately to report this issue.

Many of us are struggling to access Bing, and I appreciate your help in resolving this problem.

Thank you

Hi there, sounds like you’re having a major issue with Bing showing up as Google on your end. I totally get it, it’s frustrating.

First off, kudos for trying to troubleshoot and keeping your system clean of malware and viruses. That’s really important.

Here are a few additional steps you might want to try. Sometimes these issues are linked to browser extensions or settings, so:

  1. Check for recently installed extensions: In Microsoft Edge, go to Settings > Extensions and sort them by Installation Date. Remove any newer extensions that might be causing the redirect to Google. Restart Edge after removing.

  2. Ensure Bing is set as the default search engine: Head to Settings > Privacy, Search, and Services > Address bar and search. Make sure Bing is selected as the default search engine. If it’s already chosen, try switching to another search engine and then switching back to Bing to refresh the setting.

  3. Reset Microsoft Edge: If all else fails, consider resetting Microsoft Edge entirely. This will wipe out all your settings, so you might need to reinstall extensions later. To do this, navigate to Settings > Reset settings.

If none of these steps work, the next best thing would be to request help from a dedicated Microsoft Support professional. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge: Start by opening Microsoft Edge.

  2. Open the Settings panel: Press the three dots at the top right corner and select Settings.

  3. Find the help menu: Scroll down, and under the section ‘System’, click on ‘Get help with Microsoft Edge’.

  4. Submit the request: Click on the ‘Get Help’ button to request assistance.

These methods should help you figure out what’s going on and possibly get Bing working again. If you need further assistance or have tried these steps already, feel free to add any details below.