Automatically Deleting Spam Emails


An email in my junk folder was automatically deleted, and I need help retrieving it.

I've checked the deleted items folder and the 'recoverable items' section, but the email is not there. However, I can see other emails from the same date.

Does anyone know how I can recover this email?

Hey there,

Sorry to hear that spam email you needed got auto-deleted!

There are a few possible reasons why that email didn’t show up in the Deleted Items folder or the Recoverable Items section. Outlook has a feature called ‘Permanently Delete Items’ which bypasses the usual deletion process. If your email provider or Outlook is set up to permanently delete spam emails, it’s likely gone for good.

Here are some steps to check your settings:

  1. Go to your Outlook settings:
    a. For Outlook Desktop: Click on File, then Options, then Advanced.
    b. For Outlook Web: Click on the gear icon in the top right corner, then View all Outlook settings.

  2. Check your Junk Email Options:
    a. For Outlook Desktop: Scroll down to the ‘Other’ section and look for the ‘Auto Cleanup of Junk Email’ option. Ensure it’s not set to permanently delete junk emails.
    b. For Outlook Web: Under Mail > Junk email, ensure ‘Don’t move email to the Junk Email folder’ is not selected.

  3. Contact your email provider: Reach out to their support team to see if they have any backup or recovery options available for deleted emails.

Keep in mind that if the email has been permanently deleted, it might be gone for good. Try adjusting your settings to prevent this from happening in the future.

Good luck