Audio Files Skipping or Dropping Out on Windows 10 Pro

I'm experiencing audio stuttering issues on my Windows 10 Pro laptop when playing audio files wirelessly to an Arcam streamer. The playback is interrupted by 3-4 second breaks in the signal.

I've tried various troubleshooting steps, including resetting the laptop, running the sound troubleshooter, adjusting power settings, disabling dynamic tick/HPET, setting the Arcam as the default speaker, and reinstalling drivers. I've also used Latency Monitor, which pointed to CPU throttling as the cause, but attempts to reduce it haven't helped.

I've tested a different Windows 10 laptop with the same result, and experimented with different music apps and buffer settings to no avail.

The laptop has minimal software installed, with only essential apps like a browser and music manager, and plenty of storage space. Music files are stored on an SD card.

Given the prevalence of this issue, I'm not optimistic about finding a solution, but I thought it was worth asking.

Hey there, sorry to hear you’re experiencing audio stuttering issues on your Windows 10 Pro laptop. I’ve gone through your troubleshooting steps, and it’s clear you’ve put in some effort to resolve the problem. Let’s dive deeper to see if we can find a solution.

Firstly, since you’ve tested a different Windows 10 laptop with the same result, it’s likely an issue with the Arcam streamer or the wireless connection. Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Update your Arcam streamer’s firmware: Make sure you’re running the latest firmware on your Arcam streamer. Outdated firmware can cause connectivity issues, leading to audio stuttering.
  2. Change the wireless channel on your router: Interference from nearby wireless networks can cause dropouts. Try changing the wireless channel on your router to one that’s less congested. You can use tools like Wi-Fi Analyzer to find the best channel.
  3. Move the Arcam streamer closer to your router: Physical distance can impact wireless signal strength, leading to dropouts. Try moving the Arcam streamer closer to your router to see if it improves the connection.
  4. Disable Wireless-N and Bluetooth coexistence: This feature can sometimes cause interference with wireless audio devices. Go to Device Manager, find the Wireless Adapter, right-click on it, and select Properties. In the Advanced tab, look for Wireless-N and Bluetooth coexistence and disable it.

Regarding the CPU throttling issue, you can try:

  1. Disable Intel SpeedStep: This feature can cause CPU throttling, leading to audio stuttering. Go to your BIOS settings and disable Intel SpeedStep. The exact steps may vary depending on your laptop model.
  2. Adjust your power plan: Go to Power Options in the Control Panel, and create a custom power plan. Set the processor performance to 100% and adjust the cooling policy to “Active” or “Passive” to see if it helps.

Lastly, since you’re storing your music files on an SD card, try:

  1. Copy the music files to your laptop’s internal storage: This will help rule out any issues with the SD card or its reader. If the audio stuttering persists, then it’s likely a software or hardware issue.

Give these steps a try and see if they help resolve the audio stuttering issue. If you’re still experiencing problems, feel free to provide more details, and I’ll do my best to assist you further.