Assistance Required: Creating a Simple Product Formula with Mergefield


I'm having trouble with a MergeField formula to calculate a product. My table has three columns:

1) Packs

2) Quantity

3) Total Packs (which should be Packs multiplied by Quantity)

Despite my efforts, I'm getting a syntax error.

Here's the formula I'm using:

IF " MERGEFIELD AdditionalAttribute1 «AdditionalAttribute1»"="" "" =( MERGEFIELD Quantity \#,##0.00«Quantity»* MERGEFIELD AdditionalAttribute1 «AdditionalAttribute1»)\#,##0.00}}

If needed, I can share the document to help troubleshoot.


Hi there,

I’d be happy to help you with your MergeField formula.

First, let’s break down the syntax error issue. Your formula looks a bit complicated, so let’s simplify it step by step.

Here’s a rewritten version of your formula, which should work:

={ MERGEFIELD Quantity \#,##0.00 } * { MERGEFIELD AdditionalAttribute1 \#,##0.00 }

Here’s what I’ve done:

  1. Removed the IF statement: Since you’re trying to calculate the product, we can directly multiply the two fields.
  2. Removed the empty string check: If either of the fields is empty, the product will be zero anyway.
  3. Wrapped each MergeField with curly braces: This is the correct syntax for using MergeFields in calculations.
  4. Removed the HTML tags: MergeFields don’t need HTML tags.

Try replacing your formula with this one and see if it works. If you still get a syntax error, please share the document as you offered, and I’ll be happy to take a closer look.

Additionally, here are some general tips when working with MergeFields in Word:

  • Make sure to enclose each MergeField in curly braces {}.
  • Use the correct syntax for the field format (e.g., \#,##0.00 for numbers).
  • Avoid mixing MergeFields with other text or formatting within the formula.

Let me know if this helps