Appointment Update Trigger in Bookings Connector Fails

I'm experiencing two issues with the Bookings trigger. Firstly, the "When an appointment is updated" trigger continues to run until the trigger time expires, instead of stopping.

Secondly, I'm unable to retrieve "customer notes" using the "when a booking appointment is created" trigger.

Has anyone else encountered these problems?

I’ve encountered similar issues with the Bookings trigger before. I’ll break down the potential solutions to each of your issues:

Issue 1: Trigger Continues to Run
This might be due to the trigger being triggered recursively. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check recursion: Ensure that your flow is not triggering itself. If it is, try to refactor the flow to avoid recursion. This should prevent the trigger from running indefinitely.
  2. Add a condition: Include a condition in your flow that checks if the update is coming from the flow itself. If it is, skip the rest of the flow. This will prevent the trigger from running in an infinite loop.
  3. Use a timestamp: If the above steps don’t work, try adding a timestamp to your booking updates. Then, in your flow, check if the timestamp is newer than the previous one. If it’s not, skip the update.

Issue 2: Unable to Retrieve Customer Notes
This might be due to the way you’re accessing the booking data. Here’s what you can try:

  1. Check the trigger output: Make sure the “when a booking appointment is created” trigger is actually providing the customer notes in its output. You can do this by adding a manual trigger, running the flow, and checking the output.
  2. Use the correct dynamic content: Ensure you’re using the correct dynamic content from the trigger output to retrieve the customer notes. If you’re still having trouble, try using the “Parse JSON” action to extract the notes.
  3. Check the booking setup: Double-check that the customer notes field is enabled and configured correctly in your Bookings setup. If it’s not, you won’t be able to retrieve the notes in your flow.

If none of these solutions work, you might want to reach out to Microsoft support or provide more details about your flow configuration for further assistance.